Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Hi. I"m back again with a fashion update. Everyone is wearing these hot items. They come in all sizes and styles.Well.. if you haven't guess what I'm talking about...I"m talking about snapbacks. These hats are so popular that there is a song made out of it. The song is called "Snapbacks and Tattoos" by Chris Brown and Tyga.

Snapbacks are just baseball caps worn improperly. With that being said, snapbacks have been in style since 1950. May people think that snapbacks affiliate with gangs. But this statement is not true. Some people just wear snapbacks to be cool and have swag. This is the main reason why people wear these hats.

Everyone including celebrities wear these hats. These celebrities include: Chris Brown, Tyga, Wiz Khalifa, and Jay-Z. These celebrities have made snapbacks more popular than ever before.

Snapbacks are also advertised all over social media. On tumblr, facebook, instagram,etc. there is not a single picture you will not run across that doesn't include a person wearing a snapback. That's how sylish these hats are.

Almost everyone in the universe, wears snapbacks. If you are not an owner of at least ONE snapback, then I feel sorry for you. You should really consider buying one of these stylish hats. Without these hats, there is no meaning of swag.

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